Efficient in Every Way
The QCV ZoneTight Zone Valve leads the way in Belimo’s new
generation of room and zone solutions. With a space-saving 2-way or 3-way ball
valve and an electronic rotary actuator, the QCV is compact and offers a number
of benefits over conventional pressure dependent control valves. Zero leakage eliminates energy loss.
Self-cleaning ball valve technology provides clog resistance. The QCV
consumes up to 95% less power than conventional zone valves. The QCV is field
adjustable to meet your design requirements. Snap fitting, the QCV easily
connects to the actuator allowing technicians to install valves quickly,
easily, without the use of tools. Unlike conventional zone valve actuators,
which are normally covered by pipe insulation, the stem extension on QCVs
allows for easy actuator removal without damaging the surrounding insulation.
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